Facebook Metrics give insight to businesses on how their Facebook activity is fairing so they can learn and build on past marketing strategies. While many SEO services concentrate on the likes of bounce rate, organic traffic, and returning visitors, Facebook offers different metrics for businesses to take advantage of. If you run Facebook campaigns and you constantly engage with your audience, consider the following metrics that you should track to better the performance of your marketing strategies.
1) User Engagement
When it comes to offering new content to your audience you’ll see, from user engagement, what actions were taken from the post you created. This will give you an idea as to what content types were the most popular and what messages engage users the most. If a user engages with a post, it must have grabbed their attention and you’ll be able to build on that content next time.
2) Referral Traffic
While referral traffic is measured by the likes of Google Analytics and isn’t based on the Facebook platform, it’s still a metric that needs to be strongly considered. Referral traffic will give you an idea of how well your Facebook page is doing for your website and how much traffic it’s sending your way. Referral traffic will show you how your content marketing strategies are helping your website and business grow. If you’re not getting much referral traffic, it means you’re not doing enough to engage with your audience on Facebook, so you’ll need to step up your efforts once more.
3) Facebook Likes/Follows
Likes & follows in terms of your actual business page don’t really show you how well your marketing efforts are doing. But, they’re still important for a couple of reasons. Firstly, likes and followers show other audiences you’re popular for a reason (and that gets them interested in your page – we’re all sheep after all). Secondly, it gives you an idea of how well your page is growing and what you need to do to step up your efforts.
4) Post Impressions
The impressions of a post are sometimes overlooked by Facebook page owners, but it’s still something to consider. Impressions give you a good idea of how well a post attracted various users. Impressions are counted by how many times a post was viewed, whether that be from one user or millions. There’s an old marketing ploy that many businesses still use today. And that’s to get their page seen seven times (seven impressions) to get it noticed once (for a user to take action).
5) User Reach
User reach is much like impressions in a sense, except that it’s more about how far a post reaches rather than how many times a post has been seen. If your posts aren’t reaching many users, it’s because your audience isn’t engaging enough and sharing/liking your content. Therefore, it’s time to look at other content marketing strategies.
Spending time tracking metrics can be a time-consuming process, but given the fact they can provide a lot of history on your content marketing efforts to better your next ones, it can only benefit your business Facebook page.